on Maui

Immerse in the Feminine & Emerge in your Mastery

Join Cyndie for the Feminine Mastery Retreat on the Island of Maui.


Space is limited and will sell out, reserve your space now!

Maui Retreat

A Sacred Feminine Space to Transform and Emerge

If you feel something powerful beckoning you to discover the deeper truth within you, then embrace your inner calling and give yourself this sacred space and time to transform.

A Six Day Feminine Mastery Immersion 
& Luxury Retreat Experience on Maui

You’ll join Cyndie and your destined sisterhood for this sacred and divine feminine retreat experience where you will transform and emerge flourishing in your life and destiny.

Without retreat, the caterpillar would never know her full expression as the butterfly.

Divine Emergence on Maui becomes your sacred chrysalis where you can turn inward, hear and heed the whispers of your heart and then, like the butterfly, transform and emerge awakened, enlivened and ready to take flight on your most epic life journey.


If you’re feeling a calling to awaken your deeper truth and create your life from the desires and dreams in your heart it takes time and space to reset, reflect, redesign and transform just like the time in the chrysalis for the butterfly.

Rather than taking years of hit or miss courses and coaching - Imagine spending 6 magical days on luscious Maui with a sisterhood of intelligent and loving women immersed in a sacred feminine space while being gently guided to transform into your most vibrantly expressed and authentically empowered self.

From wholeness, inspiration to crystal clarity on your calling and the life you’re meant to live, you’ll bring all the magic of your retreat home with you for an amplified life experience far beyond your dreams and what you can currently imagine.

Divine Emergence on Maui is your perfect Retreat Experience if you are…


Knowing that now is your time to discover your calling and step into your destiny as the woman you are born to be


Transitioning into a new life chapter in need of healing, renewal, clarity and confidence to go for your dreams and live life to the fullest


Wanting to ignite your passion and deepen your fulfillment in one or more areas of your life from career, love relationship or prosperity


Longing to connect more deeply with your feminine and activate your power to attract and manifest desires from love, abundance to miracles


Being called to cultivate a deeper connection with your feminine, unleash your heart's desires and feel sensually enlivened in your entire body


Feeling the urgency of time ticking away, wanting to embrace your destiny and open the floodgates to receive all that life has to offer

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Experience a graceful, dramatic and lasting transformation with Cyndie’s proven program.

You will embark on a transformational journey to your truest and deepest self and are ensured to return home renewed, enlivened and empowered with a profound sense of peace in knowing who you truly are.

The graceful, dramatic and lasting transformation Feminine Mastery delivers to women comes from Cyndie's profound connection with the divine feminine, the safe space she holds for women and her ingeniously designed and masterfully facilitated programs that unlock and unleash your unique feminine essence, power and mastery that is already within you - right now.

Emulating the transformational pattern of a butterfly, the Divine Emergence on Maui women’s retreat is proven to infuse your body and being with transformation at a cellular level resulting in deep healing, life altering revelations, embodied confidence and unexpected miracles.

The miracles that each woman receives by attending this same retreat each year are no accident, it is the sacred space that Cyndie holds and the way she intricately weaves in the power of her Feminine Mastery Archetypes that makes her Maui Retreat a miracle-producing event time after time, for woman after woman.


Over the course of 6 days and 5 nights, Cyndie will guide you and your sisterhood through her 6-Part Signature Feminine Mastery program.


Retreat Experience

Your Six-Day Divine Emergence Feminine Mastery Retreat Experience

From the moment you step off the plane, Maui will embrace you and invite you to let go and leave the everyday world behind.


You will be picked up from the airport and transported to Lumeria Maui where you will spend 5 nights at this world-acclaimed retreat center near Oprah’s Maui Home and featured several times in O Magazine for its rich design, fine furnishings, tranquil gardens, mesmerizing crystals, and enchanting environments including a forest of swaying hammocks for deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

Each day will be infused with immersive group sessions and flowing feminine practices held in the loving embrace of Maui’s Aloha spirit. This seamless yet purposeful Feminine Mastery experience will reach deep into your heart and enliven your body and soul. Symbolized by the deep crystal blue waters of Maui rising to the sacred vortex nestled at the center of Haleakala, you will travel deep into the feminine waters of your being and then transcend to elevated high points in your life.

Imagine yourself totally transforming with natural ease and flow, fun and spontaneity.

Your guided program will be enhanced with daily personal time for reflection, meditation and yoga. You will have time to relax by the pool, unwind with a massage, kick back in a hammock cradled by restorative winds, all while soaking up the rich and stimulating grounds of Lumeria Maui.

To top off your retreat experience, you will be deeply immersed in the magic of Maui itself as you embark on a hike deep into the sacred grounds on Haleakala and explore the coast line with breath taking views and snorkel experience.


Your complete Feminine Mastery Retreat experience takes you on a journey to transform as the healing sea and sacred mountainside invite you home to your body, being and majesty of the emergent woman within you.

Retreat Package

From Maui as your destination,

to the deeply immersive program nestled inside of a world class retreat center delivering a decadent and luscious 6 Day retreat package.

Cyndie has created an inclusive retreat package plus bonuses that give you everything you need to leave the world behind and be embraced, held and served in a sacred chrysalis where you can transform, awaken your calling and emerge as the woman you were born to be, flourishing in your dream life and destiny.

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Here's what you will receive in your ALL Inclusive Maui Retreat Package:


6 Transformational days

with Cyndie to transform and discover your calling with clear steps toward your destiny as you emerge as your deeply embodied, fully expressed and empowered self.


Immersion into the Divine feminine energy on Maui

sacred feminine space held by Cyndie and supported by a deep connection and a lasting bond with your sisterhood of intelligent, spiritual and loving women.


Transportation throughout the retreat

including shuttle to and from the retreat center upon your arrival and return.


5 nights at Lumeria Maui

a rustic-luxury retreat center on Maui, one of the most beautiful places on earth.


6 days magically balanced days

with free time to enjoy your beautifully appointed room and grounds with lush gardens, swinging hammocks, sculptures, crystals, a pool and spa.


Delicious, organic meals

served in a fun, family style setting leaving your senses stimulated and appetite satisfied.


An excursion to the world-renowned, sacred vortex on Haleakala

at sunset for stunning views and deep aligning connection.


A Maui sealife snorkel experience

and immersion into the crystalline, healing and re-energizing waters with time exploring the breath taking views of Maui’s coastline.



Access to Cyndie's online library of Feminine Practices


A copy of True Calling, Awaken the Power of Your True Self (Cyndie's book) in PDF and signed in print

Super Bonus!!!


2 Private Sessions with Cyndie pre and post retreat to ensure you gain the most from your on-island experience and that you take it home with you


Embracing the magic of how you’ll transform.

Cyndie leads women to their core purpose on this earth, she will show you how to tap into the endless streams of divine feminine power within and help you to map out your next steps so that carry the beauty and transformation from the retreat home with you.


Your Divine Emergence retreat experience is the gift that keeps giving. The ingeniously designed program centered around the Feminine Mastery Archetypes gives you access to a feminine power and dimension that is currently lying dormant within you. As you embody and reclaim more of your feminine being, the benefits and transformation you will receive, become a well that you draw from throughout your life.

You will leave Maui refreshed, renewed, empowered and embodied in your feminine being sending a ripple of change and transformation into your life for deepened and more passionate relationships and seamless attraction of new levels of success with everything feeling more vibrant, more satisfying and more true to who you are.

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I’m Cyndie, the founder of Feminine Mastery.

Let me begin by telling you that you DESERVE this retreat.

I know what it’s like to put everyone else first; to work hard, to be overwhelmed by day to day obligations, running on autopilot all the while feeling that something was missing.

If you feel a calling beckoning you to immerse deep into your feminine being and discover the deeper truth of who you are, I invite you to join me and a destined sisterhood to experience your Divine Emergence on Maui.

Maui is the place where I made a profound connection with the divine feminine that awakened my destiny to transform the lives of women all over the world. Now each year I return to Maui with a new group of women ready to be immersed in the divine feminine energies of Maui and enveloped in an all-inclusive luxury retreat experience that emulates the transformation of the butterfly.


The magic and miracles consistently delivered each year, to each woman who attends continues to leave me in awe. It is the divine feminine energy so present on Maui and now embodied within me and the dimensional power of my Archetypes that is the source of miracles and has allowed me to flourish as the woman I was born to be with lasting love, dream homes and a flourishing business with the deep abiding peace of knowing that I am now fulfilling my calling and destiny.

You deserve this time for you, retreat is essential for the deep healing and core revealing of the treasures inside of you ready to be awakened and expressed so that you can fulfill your deepest desires and experience the woman you were born to be.

Give yourself permission to break free and trust divine timing. What if every event in your life has been perfectly aligned to this very moment and led you to this invitation?

Isn’t it time to listen to that quiet yet powerful voice inside of you? Although your mind might be saying, “That would be nice someday,” imagine what would be possible if you listened to your heart and experienced the miracles that happen when you finally put you first.

I’d love to spend this time with you immersed in this rich and sacred feminine space for an experience that you’ll draw from for a lifetime.

Give yourself the gift of these 6 days. Your heart, your soul, and your dreams and destiny are counting on you.

Aloha until we meet on Maui,


Join Us

Feeling called to join us but have questions?

Schedule your Maui Retreat Discovery Call with Cyndie.


Transform into the woman you were born to be.

Say "Yes!" to your heart and the calling to finally know the magnificent woman you are and the life you came here to live.

Give yourself this gift of 6 luxurious, delicious, revitalizing and transforming days that will forever change your being and your life.

You will be immersed in the divine feminine energy and magic of Maui, guided by Cyndie an embodied feminine leader, and supported by a loving group of women with whom you will forever share an intimate bond.

Your transformational experience with Cyndie includes an all-inclusive Maui retreat package in which you will receive: transportation to and from the airport, 5 nights at Lumeria Maui, delicious healthy gourmet meals, an excursion to the sacred vortex of Haleakala and an explorative day along the coastline of Maui with breath taking views and immersion into the deeply transforming waters.


You deserve this!
Don’t miss this intimate and life changing experience!

This is our only retreat this year so embrace this moment and honor your heart by saying, "YES!" to the Feminine Mastery Maui retreat!


You will receive access to Cyndie’s feminine mastery practices in video and audio, plus 2 private sessions with Cyndie before and after your retreat experience to ensure your transformation is deep and brings lasting benefits to your life.


How the women before you have transformed



"I think it was fate to find Feminine Mastery. I was a new mom, just quit my full-time job, still had a full-time nanny, and was running my own company. I was exhausted, unhappy, but also unfulfilled. I just felt stuck, a hard thing for me, a type A over achiever to embrace. I took a spontaneous leap of faith and I chose to join Cyndie on Maui. The pivotal point was feeling the support from all the women around me and gaining the power to face my fears, release those thoughts and expose the deepest desires within. Instead of hiding my strengths and fearing what people would think of me, I owned up to my strengths and used those to propel me forward. It wasn't one specific moment, but the entire experience that helped me breakthrough. The Maui Retreat was the catalyst for a lot of positive change in my life. It’s clear I was destined to embrace my feminine side and now I'm on a mission to help female entrepreneurs find the beauty and ease I’ve found. Going on this retreat with Cyndie to help navigate you through your thoughts, emotions, and intuition is priceless. She has the magic to open you up to a side of you, you didn't even know existed."



"I came from Australia and every moment of this retreat enveloped me in divine feminine magic that eased my pain, nourished my soul and reconnected me to who I truly am. I literally felt as expansive as the globe yet deeply embodied and grounded in the rich feminine connection, yummy food and magic that Cyndie brings each day. After returning from Maui, I so easily wrote my 2nd book, have totally remodeled my business and am fulfilling a dream of launching a book tour in the states with my two children! I am finally BEing the woman I am, authentically as I was born to be. I'm energized and meeting all the right people. There is a flow to each day and clear guidance toward my activities and the results are astounding, emotionally, energetically and especially financially. Thank you, Cyndie, for the profound role you have played in my life!"



"I wanted to reward myself for a huge accomplishment at work and that's when I chose to attend the Maui retreat with Cyndie. What I received was more than any other retreat could have delivered. Every moment was intentional, culminating in the release of decades worth of blockages, allowing me to embrace my true self. Our time in Maui did for me what thousands spent on therapy could not - moving beyond the story, beyond the mind, and embracing my true feminine nature. My experience of being embodied for the very first time connected me with my body and soul, as well as my wondrous childlike nature. Maui opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me, I could see clearly for the first time, and felt empowered knowing I now can truly be me, no matter what the situation. I'm incredibly grateful for this experience; the best investment I have ever made."



"I went to the Maui retreat to discover my calling and find peace from my crazy brain. What I returned to is my life altering on every level from attracting a soul love relationship to getting a huge promotion in the job where I previously felt invisible and undervalued. Since then, I have been a co-facilitator of the Maui Retreat for three years and each year I have I witnessed woman after woman stepping into her power and wholly embodying her divine essence. There's a special kind of magic that delivers miracles on Maui while Cyndie holds you and guides you through the transformational process, seeded in the Archetypes and divine feminine energies so prevalent on the island. My participation and immersion in this extraordinary feminine-held space has been pivotal for me on my current journey of rising up and stepping into a life that is in alignment. Incredibly thankful for Cyndie and all of the gorgeous women we've held space for over the years."



"Before the Maui retreat, I was frustrated from feeling undervalued and I up and quit my job. At the retreat, Cyndie took us on guided journeys deep within and that’s where I truly connected with my spirit, the goddess in me and the creative genius that had been locked away. Soon after I returned from Maui, a miracle happened. I manifested a new job perfect for my Hummingbird Archetype as the first assignment took me out of the box and overseas to the Netherlands. It was there that I called on the Archetypes to center and align me. I grounded into my Chameleon for confidence and I led with my Hummingbird opening up genuine human connection among 60 global VPs from all over Europe. I had the attention of every eye in the room and I owned it! I am grateful that Cyndie and Maui let me experience the embodied version of me and to accept that I’ll always be leading outside the box. So if I don’t fit in that’s a good thing! Give yourself this gift and receive your Maui miracle."



"Before meeting Cyndie I was struggling to make my business successful for several years. Despite being a feminine teacher, I was stuck in the old paradigm of masculine ‘pushing’, ‘strategizing’ and ‘rushing’. I chose to invest in myself and attend the Maui Retreat and I’m so grateful I did! Cyndie and her co-facilitator held the space for me and the other amazing women with strength yet gentleness, using the profound Archetypes as our guides. I experienced true transformation and saw women’s faces light up and look 10 years younger! I LOVED the retreat itself with delicious food, spectacular gardens, healing massages and amazing hot tub for complete and total nurturing for my weary feminine heart. I returned to Australia feeling like a different woman, wiser, more compassionate and aligned – with no pain in my body! It was clear that Cyndie’s Exalted Mentoring program was the next step and now my business is thriving and 100% aligned with my Hummingbird Archetype. My future is so, so bright!"


Join Cyndie for your Divine Emergence on Maui

coming soon! 2022

*Space is limited to 10 women and we will sell out so reserve your space now!

YES! Secure my space for the Feminine Mastery Maui Retreat

Refundable Deposit $500

Join Us

Feeling called to join us but have questions?