Receive Love on Valentines Day and Every Day

The desire to love and be loved is an essential and natural human need. Yet when your quest for love is unfulfilled it can lead you to close your heart rather than open your heart to receive the love you yearn for.

I learned this painful lesson the hard way which is why I guide women to drop into their feminine being and expand the love in their hearts rather than “doing all the right things” to attract love.

I found my true love in a moment of surrender, he saw my light from across the room and was drawn to me. Learning to embody love and “be Love” rather than “finding Love” not only ignites your feminine essence and attraction but also dramatically transforms your life – not just in relationships – but in all areas of your life.

The Feminine Mastery Embodied program guides you to open your heart to the many miracles of love, by embodying the Hummingbird Archetype, you can explore more HERE.

When you hold your Love back, save your Love for appropriate circumstances or measure the Love you give based on how Love is being reciprocated – you create a tremendous amount of resistance that not only holds Love at bay but also blocks all of your desires from manifesting.

In the spirit of  Valentine’s Day (which I call Love Day!) I’m going to guide you through a practice to drop into your feminine being and embody Love which will 1) Increase your love vibration and attract your true love 2) Ignite the passion in your current love relationship and 3) Open your heart to receive all of your desires including love, health, friends, opportunities, money, and prosperity.

Divine Emergence on Maui

Immerse in the Feminine & Emerge in your Mastery

Transform with Cyndie on Maui for her 6-Day Women’s Retreat Experience

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True Calling

Awaken the Power of Your True Self

Discover your Feminine Mastery Archetype

and unlock the blueprint for who you were born to be.

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